Nugroho, Dwi, G1C216150 (2017) PERBEDAAN JUMLAH LEUKOSIT, LIMFOSIT DAN NEUTROFIL LIMFOSIT RASIO PADA PASIEN PRE HEMODIALISA DAN POST HEMODIALISA. Sarjana / Sarjana Terapan (S1/D4) thesis, ["eprint_fieldopt_institution_Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang" not defined].

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Penyakit ginjal kronik menjadi masalah kesehatan Indonesia dengan prevalensi sebesar 0,2% pada tahun 2013. Penyakit ginjal kronik membutuhkan terapi hemodialisa yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap jumlah leukosit, limfosit dan neutrofil limfosit rasio. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan jumlah leukosit, limfosit dan neutrofil limfosit rasio pada pasien pre hemodialisa dan post hemodialisa. Desain penelitian menggunakan quasi experiment dengan pendekatan one group pretest and posttest design. Sampel penelitian adalah pasien ginjal kronik stadium terminal di RSUD Bendan Kota Pekalongan sebanyak 34 orang. Alat pengumpulan data adalah rekam medik, lembar observasi, alat tulis, spuit 3cc, tabung EDTA, handscoon, mesin hemodialisa, plester, dan automated hematology analyz. Hasil penelitian didapat rata-rata jumlah leukosit sebelum dilakukan hemodialisa sebesar 6,2738 mm3. Jumlah rata-rata limfosit sebelum dilakukan hemodialisa sebesar 1,3603 mm3. Jumlah rata-rata Netrofil Limfosit Ratio sebelum dilakukan hemodialisa sebesar 3,1982 mm3. Hasil rata-rata jumlah leukosit sesudah dilakukan hemodialisa sebesar 7,1698 mm3. Jumlah rata-rata limfosit sesudah dilakukan hemodialisa sebesar 1,2629 mm3. Jumlah rata-rata Netrofil Limfosit Ratio sesudah dilakukan hemodialisa sebesar 4,2812 mm3. Hasil uji wilcoxon menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan jumlah leukosit pada pasien pre dan post hemodialisa (ρ: 0,070). Ada perbedaan jumlah limfosit pada pasien pre dan post hemodialisa (ρ: 0,018) dan ada perbedaan jumlah netrofil limfosit ratio pada pasien pre dan post hemodialisa (ρ: 0,000). Peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan memperhatikan pengelolaan variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhi hasil penelitian seperti waktu atau lamanya proses hemodialisa, berapa kali pasien sudah melakukan hemodialisa. . Kata kunci : Leukosit, Limfosit, Netrofil Limfosit Ratio, Hemodialisa Chronic kidney disease is a health problem in Indonesia with a prevalence of 0.2% in 2013. Chronic kidney disease requires hemodialysis therapy that can affect the number of leukocytes, lymphocytes and neutrophils lymphocyte ratio. This study aims to determine differences in the number of leukocytes, lymphocytes and neutrophils lymphocyte ratio in patients pre hemodialysis and post hemodialysis. The research design uses quasi experiment with one group pretest and posttest design approach. The sample of this research is chronic kidney terminal patients at RSUD Bendan Kota Pekalongan as many as 34 people. Data collection tools are medical record, observation sheet, stationery, 3cc syringe, EDTA tube, handscoon, hemodialysis machine, plaster, and automated hematology analyz. The result showed that the average number of leukocytes before hemodialysis was 6,2738 mm3. The average number of lymphocytes before hemodialysis was 1.3603 mm3. The average number of Netrophil Lymphocyte Ratio before hemodialysis was 3.1982 mm3. The average result of leukocyte count after hemodialysis was 7,1698 mm3. The average number of lymphocytes following hemodialysis was 1.2629 mm3. The average number of Netrophil Lymphocyte Ratio after hemodialysis was 4.2812 mm3. Wilcoxon test results showed no difference in the number of leukocytes in patients pre and post hemodialysis (ρ: 0.070). There was a difference in the number of lymphocytes in pre and post hemodialysis (ρ: 0.018) patients and there was a difference in the number of neutrophil lymphocyte ratios in pre and post hemodialysis (ρ: 0,000) patients. Researchers then expected to pay attention to the management of variables that influence the results of research such as time or duration of hemodialysis process, how many times the patient has done hemodialysis. Keywords: Leukocyte, Lymphocyte, Lymphocyte Netrophilion Ratio, Hemodialysis

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana / Sarjana Terapan (S1/D4) )
Contributors Thesis: 245/D4Ana/II/2018
Subjects: R Medicine > Health Analyst
Divisions: Faculty of Nursing and Health > D4 Health Analyst
Depositing User: perpus unimus

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