Laporan Keuangan

Palmolive, Colgate, Colgate and Soup, Campbell, Campbell (2017) Laporan Keuangan. CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY, Jakarta Selatan.

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Lampiran A berisi bagian dan adaptasi dari Form 10-K (laporan tahunan) untuk dua perusahaan: Colgate Palmolive dan Campbell Soup. Materi tugas dan ilustrasi yang banyak terdapat dalam bab merujuk pada informasi di dalam lampiran ini. Appendix A contains selections and adaptations from the Form 10-K filings (annual reports) for two companies: Colgate Palmolive and Campbell Soup. Numerous chapter illustrations and assignment materials refer to this information.

Item Type: Book
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory
Divisions: Faculty of Economics > S1 Accounting
Depositing User: Users 62 not found.

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