Jayanti,Wahyuni Dwi, G1C218207 (2019) PERBEDAAN VARIASI VOLUME DARAH DALAM TABUNG VACUTAINER K3EDTA TERHADAP NILAI INDEKS ERITROSIT. Sarjana / Sarjana Terapan (S1/D4) thesis, ["eprint_fieldopt_institution_Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang" not defined].

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ABSTRAK Pemeriksaan hematologi umumnya menggunakan antikoagulan EDTA dalam bentuk kering dengan pemakaian 1-1,5 mg/mL darah atau dalam bentuk larutan dengan pemakaian 10 µL/mL darah. Pemeriksaan indeks eritrosit menggunakan sampel darah dengan penambahan antikoagulan EDTA yang tepat. Antikoagulan EDTA lebih dari 2 mg/mL darah akan menyebabkan degenerasi sel darah merah, penurunan hematokrit dan MCV, peningkatan MCHC serta peningkatan palsu trombosit. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbedaan indeks eritrosit berdasarkan variasi volume darah dalam tabung vacutainer K3EDTA. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen. Sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswa D4 Analis Kesehatan jalur khusus kelas C semester 8 FIKKES UNIMUS yang berjumlah 9 orang, dengan teknik sampling menggunakan metode Random Sampling. Hasil rerata nilai indeks eritrosit bahan pemeriksaan 1 mL darah K3EDTA : nilai MCV 78 fL, nilai MCH 24 pg dan nilai MCHC 31%. Rerata nilai indeks eritrosit bahan pemeriksaan 2 mL darah K3EDTA : nilai MCV 79 fL, nilai MCH 24 pg dan nilai MCHC 31%. Rerata nilai indeks eritrosit bahan pemeriksaan 3 mL darah K3EDTA : nilai MCV 79 fL, nilai MCH 24 pg dan nilai MCHC 31%. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pada nilai indeks eritrosit dengan variasi volume darah 1 mL, 2 mL dan 3 mL dalam tabung vacutainer K3EDTA. Kata Kunci : MCV, MCV, MCHC, K3EDTA.   Difference In Blood Volume Variation In Tube Vacutainer K3EDTA Against The Value Of Erythrocytes Index Wahyuni Dwi Jayanti1, dr. Harun Nurrachmat2, Tulus Ariyadi2 1. Four years Diploma of Health Analyst Study Program, Nursing and Health Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Semarang 2. Hematology Laboratory, Nursing and Health Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Semarang ABSTRACT Hematological examination generally uses EDTA anticoagulants in dry form with the use of 1-1,5 mg/mL of blood or in the form of a solution with the use of 10 µL/mL of blood. The examination of erythrocyte index uses blood samples with the addition of appropriate EDTA anticoagulants. EDTA anticoction of more than 2 mg/mL of blood will cause the degeneration of red blood cells, decrease in hematocrit and MCV, increase in MCHC as well as increased spurious platelets. The research aims to determine the difference in Erythrocyte index based on variations in blood volume in the K3EDTA Vacutainer tubes. This type of research is experimentation. The research sample is a D4 student Health analyst Special Pathway Class C semester 8 FIKKES UNIMUS which amounted to 9 people, with sampling techniques using the Random Sampling method. Results of the average index value of erythrocytes examination material 1 mL blood K3EDTA: value MCV 78 fL, value MCH 24 pg and value MCHC 31%. Average index value of erythrocytes examination material 2 mL blood K3EDTA: value MCV 79 fL, value MCH 24 pg and value MCHC 31%. Average index value of erythrocytes examination material 3 mL blood K3EDTA: value MCV 79 fL, value MCH 24 pg and value MCHC 31%. Statistical analysis results showed no meaningful differences in the value of erythrocytes with blood volume variations of 1 mL, 2 mL and 3 mL in the K3EDTA vacutainer tubes. Keywords: MCV, MCV, MCHC, K3EDTA.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana / Sarjana Terapan (S1/D4) )
Call Number: 019/D4Ana/I/2020
Subjects: R Medicine > Health Analyst
Divisions: Faculty of Nursing and Health > D4 Health Analyst
Depositing User: perpus unimus

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