Iskandar,Assyfa Ulti, G1C015037 (2019) SISTEMATIKA DAN FILOGENETIKA MOLEKULER EMPAT ISOLAT BAKTERI LIMBAH PUSKESMAS YANG BERPOTENSI SEBAGAI AGEN BIOREMEDIASI BERDASARKAN SEKUENS GEN 16S rRNA. Sarjana / Sarjana Terapan (S1/D4) thesis, ["eprint_fieldopt_institution_Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang" not defined].

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ABSTRAK Limbah biomedik cair merupakan salah satu limbah medik puskesmas yang mengandung polutan organik berkadar tinggi dan juga komponen berbahaya. Alternatif untuk mengurangi komponen berbahaya pada limbah cair ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara bioremediasi, yaitu proses pembersihan atau remediasi secara biologis yang melibatkan organisme hidup termasuk bakteri. Bakteri yang dapat dijadikan sebagai agen bioremediasi adalah bakteri hidrolitik dengan tingkat patogenitas rendah hingga non patogen. Penelitian sebelumnya oleh Arifiani (2018) dan Sabrina (2018) telah ditemukan adanya 4 isolat bakteri yaitu H1, H3, dan H5 (Puskesmas Halmaera Kota Semarang) dan T3 (Puskesmas Tlogosari Kulon) yang berpotensi sebagai agen bioremediasi namun, belum diketahui identifikasi dan status taksonominya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui identitas molekuler dan hubungan kekerabatan antara 4 isolat bakteri limbah Puskesmas Halmaera Kota Semarang dan Puskesmas Tlogosari Kulon. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Identifikasi dilakukan dengan cara mengkonstruksi pohon filogenetik berdasarkan sekuen gen 16S rRNA. Sekuens gen 16S rRNA didapatkan dengan cara amplifikasi gen menggunakan teknik PCR. Desain pohon filogenetik menunjukkan isolat H3 dan H5 mempunyai hubungan kekerabatan paling dekat dibandingkan dengan dua isolat lainnya. Keempat isolat berada pada Class yang sama yaitu Gammaproteobacter dengan Phylum Proteobacter. Isolat H3 dan H5 memiliki genus yang sama yaitu Stenotrophomonas. Diantara keempat isolat yang dapat dijadikan sebagai agen bioremediasi yaitu isolat T3 yang memiliki kemiripan 98,85% dengan Pararheinheimera aquatica. Kata Kunci: Bakteri sebagai agen bioremediasi, 16S rRNA, Pohon filogenetik   Molecular Systematics and Phylogenetics of Four Bacterial Isolates from Public Health Center Waste that had Potential as Bioremediation Agents Based on 16S rRNA Gen Sequences Assyfa Ulti Iskandar1, Stalis Norma Ethica2, Ayu Rahmawati Sulistyaningtyas3 1. Four years Diploma of Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program, Nursing and Health Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Semarang 2. Biology Molecular Laboratory, Nursing and Health Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Semarang 3. Microbiology Laboratory, Nursing and Health Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Semarang ABSTRACT Liquid biomedical waste is one of the medical waste of community health center which contains high levels of organic pollutants and also dangerous components. The alternative way to reduce the hazardous components in liquid waste is bioremediation. Bioremediation is a biological cleansing or remediation process that involves living organisms such as bacteria. Bacteria that can be used as bioremediation agents are hydrolytic bacteria with low pathogenesis to non-pathogenic. Based on research by Arifiani (2018) and Sabrina (2018), they have been found 4 bacteria isolates from public health center liquid waste namely H1, H3, H5 (Halmahera Health Center Semarang City) and T3 (Tlogosari Kulon Health Center) which have potential to become bioremdiation agents which have potential to become bioremdiation agents but the identity and taxonimic system of the bacteria are still uknown. The purpose of this analytical reaserch study was to determine molecular identity and the relationship between the 4 bacterial isolates. Identification was done by phylogenetic trees construstion based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. The 16S rRNA gene sequence can be obtained by gene amplification using the PCR technique. The phylogenetic tree design showed that H3 and H5 isolates had the closest relationship compared to the other two isolates. All of the bacterial isolates are from the Gammaproteobacter class with Proteobacter phylum. The isolates of H3 and H5 have the same genus Stenotrophomonas. Among the four isolates that can be made as bioremediation agents are T3 isolates which have a similarity 98.85% with Pararheinheimera aquatica. Keywords: Bacteria for bioremediation agent, 16S rRNA, phylogenetic tree

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana / Sarjana Terapan (S1/D4) )
Call Number: 020/D4Ana/I/2020
Subjects: R Medicine > Health Analyst
Divisions: Faculty of Nursing and Health > D4 Health Analyst
Depositing User: perpus unimus
Date Deposited: 13 Feb 2020 08:29
Last Modified: 13 Feb 2020 08:29

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