Adaptasi Fungsi Bangunan Kolonial Menjadi Rumah Kantor di Semarang

Ratna, Hardianningrum (2023) Adaptasi Fungsi Bangunan Kolonial Menjadi Rumah Kantor di Semarang. Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang.


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Abstract Colonial buildings are found in several major cities in Indonesia including the city of Semarang. One of them is a colonial building located on Jalan Beringin I no 8 Sekayu, Semarang. The existence of this colonial residential building has characteristics and high historical value so it needs to be maintained. However, the maintenance of old colonial buildings requires a lot of money due to the age of the building and the need for renovation of the building. The owner of this colonial building had the idea to utilize it as a home office. With the dual function as a residential house as well as an office, of course, it requires adaptation or adjustment so that the privacy of residents of the house is maintained and office productivity is not disturbed. The house is a private area while the office is a public area, to unite the two activities it is necessary to adapt the function. Adaptation of functions to spatial adjustments must also be made by considering aspects of function, comfort, and professionalism. Without good planning, colonial buildings that have historical value, and cultural heritage characteristics will be lost and buildings cannot function properly with disruption of activities such as residences and offices. The research was conducted with descriptive qualitative research methods through field observation, interviews and literature studies. Research needs to be done so that colonial buildings can survive as cultural heritage and be used properly with function adaptation due to the function as a residence as well as an office. The results of the study can describe the changes or adaptations that occur due to the use of colonial buildings of residential houses into office houses. These changes and adaptations include the appearance of the façade, zoning area, and circulation. Abstrak Bangunan kolonial banyak dijumpai di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia termasuk kota Semarang. Salah satunya adalah bangunan kolonial yang berada di jalan beringin I no 8 Sekayu, Semarang. Keberadaan bangunan rumah tinggal kolonial ini memiliki ciri khas dan nilai historis yang tinggi sehingga perlu dipertahankan. Akan tetapi pemeliharaan bangunan tua kolonial memerlukan biaya yang tidak sedikit dikarenakan usia bangunan dan perlu adanya perbaikan pada bangunan. Pemilik bangunan kolonial ini memiliki ide untuk memanfaatkan menjadi rumah kantor. Dengan adanya fungsi ganda sebagai rumah tinggal sekaligus sebagai kantor, tentunya memerlukan adaptasi atau penyesuaian agar privasi penghuni rumah terjaga dan produktivitas kantor tidak terganggu. Rumah merupakan area privat sedangkan kantor area publik, untuk menyatukan kedua aktifitas perlu adanya adaptasi fungsi. Adaptasi fungsi dengan penyesuaian tata ruang juga harus dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan aspek fungsi, kenyamanan dan profesionalisme. Tanpa perencanaan yang baik, bangunan kolonial yang memiliki nilai historis, ciri khas warisan budaya akan hilang dan bangunan tidak bisa berfungsi dengan baik dengan terganggunya aktifitas sebagai rumah tinggal maupun kantor.

Item Type: Other
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: Jabatan Fungsional > Ratna Hardianingrum
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