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Hartiti, Tri, . and Rejeki, Sri, . and Ernawati, . (2019) Strengthening soft skills as the character of student nurses through the preceptorship management model. Enfermeria Clinica.
Hartiti, Tri, . and Rejeki, Sri, . and Ernawati, . Strengthening Softskill as The Character of Nurses Through The Preceptorship Management Model. Enfermerica clinica.
Rejeki, Sri, . and Hartiti, Tri, . and Sholichan,, Achmad and Machmudah, . (2020) TEKNOLOGI TEPAT GUNA MENGATASI NYERI MENSTRUASI DAN PERSALINAN. UNIMUS.
Puspitaningrum, Ike, . and Hartiti, Tri, . (2017) Peningkatan Kualitas Personal dan Profesional Perawat. deepublish.
Hartiti, Tri, . (2020) Modul Pelatihan: Pelatihan Penerapan Kepemimpinan Transformasion Dosen Dalam Meningkatkan Softskill Mahasiswa Perawa Melalui Mekanisme Interaktif Pembelajaran. [Teaching Resource]
Hartiti, Tri, . (2016) Modul Pelatihan - Meningkatkan Softskill Mahasiswa Perawat Melalui Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dosen Keperawatan Unimus. [Teaching Resource]
Sri, Rejeki and Agustyaningrum, Eka and Machmudah, . and Khayati, Nikmatul and Hartiti, Tri, . and Safitri,, Dwi Nur Rahmantika Puji and Olina, Yanuan Ben, . (2022) Body image and the level of stress in cervical cancer patients. Bali Medical Journal.
Kurniawati,, Ayu Khuzaimah and Pohan,, Vivi Yosafianti and Hartiti, Tri, . and Soesanto, Edy and Astuti, Rahayu (2022) MODUL KEPERAWATAN: MODEL SAMRY (STRES ADAPTASI MAHFUDZAT & GUIDED IMAGERY). UNIMUS.
Hartiti, Tri, . bukti korespondensi Author Jurnal Elsevier. UNIMUS.
Hartiti, Tri, . cek plagiasi Strengthening soft skills as the character of student nurses through the preceptorship management model. UNIMUS.