SETYANINGSIH, ELI, A2A215053 (2017) EVALUASI PROGRAM PROMOSI KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI REMAJA MELALUI RADIO (Studi Pada Fourteen FM di SMAN 14 Semarang). Sarjana / Sarjana Terapan (S1/D4) thesis, ["eprint_fieldopt_institution_Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang" not defined].
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Latar Belakang: Program promosi kesehatan reproduksi remaja merupakan salah satu upaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi dan layanan remaja. Masalah kesehatan reproduksi dan seksual menjadi hal yang hangat diperbincangkan di kalangan remaja. Evaluasi program dilakukan untuk menilai sejauh mana pelaksanaan program promosi kesehatan reproduksi remaja di Radio Fourteen FM. Metode: Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan FGD pada informan utama (pembina Fourteen FM dan relawan Pilar) dan informan pendukung (siswa SMAN 14 Semarang sebanyak 31 siswa, kepala sekolah, dan dua penyiar). Keabsahan dan keterandalan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan teknik serta bahan referensi. Hasil: Pada Input, Man sudah cukup baik namun perlu perbaikan seperti adanya latihan dan capacity building secara kontinu untuk membantu penggunaan metode tanya jawab. Pada Process, pelaksanaan siaran sudah sesuai dengan pedoman KIE namun aspek monitoring masih jarang dilakukan dan tidak dilakukan evaluasi secara bersama antara Fourteen FM dan Pilar. Pada Output capaian target masih rendah dari target yang diharapkan. Alokasi waktu siaran masih kurang optimal karena bersamaan dengan KBM dan menjadi hal yang diprioritaskan untuk diperbaiki dengan mengubah waktu siaran. Simpulan: Input sudah baik, penguatan kualitas monitoring dan evaluasi program masih perlu diintensifkan. Capacity building untuk relawan dan penyiar perlu dilakukan secara kontinu. Kata Kunci: Evaluasi, Radio, Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja. ABSTRACT Introduction: The adolescent reproductive health promotion program is one of the efforts to meet the information and service needs of adolescents. Reproductive and sexual health issues are becoming a hot topic among teenagers. Evaluation of the program was conducted to assess the extent of evaluation of adolescent reproductive health promotion program at Radio Fourteen FM. Method: Data collection through indepth interviews and FGDs on key informants (Fourteen FM trainers and Pilar volunteers) and supporting informants (students of SMAN 14 Semarang were 31 students, principals, and two broadcasters). Validity and reliability of data use source triangulation and techniques as well as reference materials. Result: At Input, Man is good enough but needs improvement such as training and capacity building continuously to help use question and answer method. In process, broadcasting is in conformity with IEC guidance but monitoring aspect is rarely done and there is no joint evaluation between Fourteen FM and Pilar. At output, the target achievement is still low from the expected target. The allocation of broadcast time is still less than optimal because it coincides with KBM and becomes a priority thing to be improved by changing the time of the broadcast. Conclusion: The Input is good, strengthening the quality of monitoring and program evaluation still needs to be intensified. Capacity building for volunteers and broadcasters needs to be done continuously. Keywords: Evaluation, Radio, Adolescent Reproductive Health
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana / Sarjana Terapan (S1/D4) ) |
Call Number: | 060/S1FKM/XII/2017 |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > S1 Public Health |
Depositing User: | perpus unimus |
URI: | |
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