Excellence Investment Determination Analysis To Enhance Regional Competitiveness (Case Study to Determinate City of Semarang as Trading and Serving City)

Hardiwinoto, 0628026802 and Sinarasri, Andwiani and Fathurohman, Akhmad (2014) Excellence Investment Determination Analysis To Enhance Regional Competitiveness (Case Study to Determinate City of Semarang as Trading and Serving City). South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics, and Law, 5 (3). ISSN 2289-1560

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The research aims to determine city of Semarang as Trading and Serving City. The method used to identification of potential investment to the stakeholders associated with the investment both private and government in the city of Semarang. The method of analysis used is the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) to determine the potential for economic and investment opportunities in the city of Semarang. The results ofthe study are known in the exelence investment of Semarang City in accordance with the location of investment, type of investment, sources of investment related steakholder. The results of the study are give recommendations to the government to determine excellence investment to enhance regional competitiveness and to determine city of Semarang as trading and serving city. Keywords: excelence investment, regional competitiveness, trading and serving city

Item Type: Article
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory
Divisions: Jabatan Fungsional > Hardiwinoto
Depositing User: perpus unimus
URI: http://repository.unimus.ac.id/id/eprint/3942

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