Eko, Setiawan Nur Ardiansyah (2022) PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA AR GEOMETRY MATH EDU MATERI DIMENSI TIGA KELAS XII SMA. Sarjana / Sarjana Terapan (S1/D4) thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang.

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ABSTRAK Nurardiansyah, E.S. 2022. Pengembangan Media AR Geometry Math Edu Berbasis Realistik Materi Dimensi Tiga Kelas XII SMA. Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Pembimbing I, Venissa Dian Mawarsari, S.Pd., M.Pd., Pembimbing II, Iswahyudi Joko, S.Si., M.Pd., Kata Kunci : Media Pembelajaran, Augmented Reality. Seiring berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK) yang begitu cepat, media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi menjadi faktor dalam keberhasilan proses belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan hasil belajar siswa yang masih rendah, sumber belajar yang masih kurang, siswa beranggapan bahwa materi peluang sulit dipahami, serta guru belum menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif, melalui perkembangan teknologi pada pembelajaran matematika dibutuhkan suatu media pembelajaran interaktif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan media AR Geometry Math Edu berbasis realistik materi dimensi tiga kelas XII yang valid dan praktis berdasarkan hasil penilaian para ahli beserta guru dan siswa melalui angket respon atau angket validasi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yang menggunakan model pengembangan 4D (Define, Design, Develop, Dessiminate) yang dimodifikasi menjadi 3D (Define, Design, Develop). Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan pertimbangan (sampling purposive). Uji coba skala besar media pembelajaran adalah 5 siswa, sedangkan uji coba skala besar adalah 25 siswa dan 2 guru mata pelajaran matematika. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yaitu observasi, dokumentasi, dan angket. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) hasil kevalidan media pembelajaran dibuktikan melalui uji validasi ahli materi didapatkan dengan skor 4,35 dan ahli media didapatkan dengan skor 4,52 dengan kriteria masing-masing sangat valid. (2) hasil kepraktisan media pembelajaran dari respon siswa didapatkan dengan skor 4,27 dan dari respon guru didapatkan dengan skor 4,86 dengan kriteria masing-masing sangat baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut maka media pembelajaran AR Geometry Math Edu berbasis realistic materi dimensi tiga kelas XII SMA dinyatakan sangat valid dan praktis untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran dalam proses pembelajaran. Siswa ataupun guru dapat menggunakan media tidak hanya saat proses pembelajaran tetapi kapanpun dan dimanapun.   ABSTRACT Nurardiansyah, E.S. 2022. Development of AR Geometry Math Edu Media Based on Realistic Three Dimensional Materials for Class XII SMA. Thesis, Mathematics Education Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah Semarang, Supervisor I, Venissa Dian Mawarsari, S.Pd., M.Pd., Supervisor II, Iswahyudi Joko, S.Si., M.Pd., Keywords : Learning Media, Augmented Reality. Along with the rapid development of science and technology (IPTEK), information and communication technology-based learning media are a factor in the success of the teaching and learning process. This research is motivated by the problem of student learning outcomes that are still low, learning resources are still lacking, students think that the opportunity material is difficult to understand, and teachers have not used interactive learning media, through technological developments in learning mathematics an interactive learning media is needed. The purpose of this study was to develop an AR Geometry Math Edu media based on realistic three-dimensional material for class XII that was valid and practical based on the results of the assessments of experts along with teachers and students through response questionnaires or validation questionnaires. This research is a development research that uses a 4D development model (Define, Design, Develop, Dessiminate) which is modified into 3D (Define, Design, Develop). The sampling technique was carried out with consideration (purposive sampling). The large-scale trial of learning media was 5 students, while the large-scale trial was 25 students and 2 teachers of mathematics. The data collection carried out were observation, documentation, and questionnaires. The results of this study can be concluded that (1) the results of the validity of the learning media are proven through the validation test of material experts obtained with a score of 4.35 and media experts are obtained with a score of 4.52 with each criterion being very valid. (2) the results of the practicality of learning media from student responses were obtained with a score of 4.27 and from the teacher's response were obtained with a score of 4.86 with each criterion being very good. Based on the results of the study, the AR Geometry Math Edu learning media based on realistic three-dimensional material for class XII SMA was declared very valid and practical to be used as learning media in the learning process. Students or teachers can use the media not only during the learning process but whenever and wherever.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana / Sarjana Terapan (S1/D4) )
Call Number: 020/PendidikanMatematika/X/2022
Subjects: L Education > Mathematics
Divisions: Faculty of Agricultural Science and Technology > S1 Mathematics
Faculty of Education and Humanities > S1 Mathematics
Depositing User: perpus unimus

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